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Cody's trip to movie world.

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At the beginning of July my family and I went to Australia to do the theme parks. We went to movie world, at the entrance there was a colossal robot dinosaur, it was moving very realistically and roaring as people walked by. This was a photo opportunity I couldn't miss so I got danyell to take a picture of me next to it. The first ride we went on was the green lantern ride it was fast and really freaky when we got turned upside down. Afterwards we walked down movie street and saw Austin Powers dancing down the street with two woman next to him it was really funny.Then we went on the scooby doo ride it was a long wait but it was worth it. At first we all thought it was going to be like a boat ride and things would jump out at us. But it turned out that it was a roller coaster. It was extremely scary because it was dark and we didn't know what was going to happen. Courtney Danyell and I went in a cart by ourselves, mum and dad went in a different cart because there wasn't enough room in the cart that we went in. on the ride there was sharp corners axes skimming the tip of my head but it was even more scary when it lifted us up, we thought it was going to drop us but we fell  backward then we got of. the last ride we went on was the superman ride they had such an adrenaline boosting build up that I almost ran out crying. But before I new it I was on a roller coaster. It was so exelerating  that you couldn't see were you were going. After we got of we saw Merry Monroe inbitween one of here song's she winked at my dad. then after along day we were all ready to go home and have a rest
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