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Today we went to matapouri for eotc week. And we walked the loop wile we were walking saw stunning shaw lines and unusual trees. Once we got...
Maginot Line Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Refer to the text to check your answers when app...
As I climbed up to the top of the old wooden bridge, I gazed down and saw the clear rocky bottom. It was a gorgeous day at Pataua South. ...
Dear Santa I hope that it wasn’t too hard to decide what to get me for Christmas, because my mum couldn’t really choose! I think my ...
Asian Carp Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Refer to the text to check your answers...
Dear Santa I saw in the paper that you were looking for a toy designer I would be very delighted to take this job. My skills are.. Creativit...
Some call it the "Hermit Kingdom." It is a place where the outside world has been walled off. American pop music is illegal here a...
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