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My mums crazy three years at school

Hi guys this is a story about my mum she grew up in Thailand and the culture is a lot more different there she had to do work for her parent just about as long as she lived in Thailand or she would get wacked. Because of her jobs and because she had to walk three kilometres she would get to school really late so her teacher got a long bamboo stick and smacked her on her backside or leg or hand. She had to walk home bare feet with that pain. She would do the dishes at school and because she did that she would get the teachers leftovers for lunch because her parents didn't give her lunch. My mum started school at 7 and finished at 9 years of age there were 400 people in her whole school she finished at 9 years old because her parents got her to quit school so she could do work for them. She is very smart for someone that stayed at school for three years she was chosen to go to spelling bees and is very good at math. She could have been a lawyer or a teacher .
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inquire-it said...
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inquire-it said...

That sounds scary, to scary for me haha.

inquire-it said...

oops I mean too haha.