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Brandon, Gemma, Dylan, Emma, Liam and Heathers Story

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It all started with an envelope that turned up in the mail last Tuesday… It said "To Kate." I thought "That's mums name" but why did it say her name on a army camoed envelope.I was wondering What it said? Mum walked in the room and saw it she snatched it from my hands opened it up and burst into tears. Mum got up and slowly sluggishly walked to the photo of dad and threw it on the ground and ran into her room, leaving the envelope and the photo on the floor. I ran after her wanting to know what it had meant, but I was too late she had slammed the door and I could hear her sobbing into her pillow. I ran to the nearest computer and typed in army camo envelopes to find out what it meant. Nothing came up. Suddenly the door slammed open and a scary looking man was at the door looking through my eyes. I felt the most adrenaline I've ever had. I was spooked. I slowly got out of the chair and started to walk towards the man. What was I thinking walking towards a scary looking man. The man walked backwards and then placed a box on the ground. It was the postie. He then slammed the door and strolled back to his van. I opened the envelope. Then the box. The box had dad's army suit in it. And the envelope had a piece of paper saying we have found Fred Michelle's body lying next to this suit hopefully this will give you some closure I ran to the envelope and opened it up and there was a photo of a man lying next to the suit I looked at the man's face and saw a face that was not dads. I had a feeling that someone was watching me and looked up and saw my mother's tear stained face looking at me "He's dead" she said brutally. "No this isn't him" I said. She asked "What do you mean" I showed her the photo and hope shone on her face. She made a phone call to the army and asked them to check if Fred Michelle was dead there was a ruffle of papers at the other end. 

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