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Ashers holiday writing :)

In the holidays one of the things I liked the best was going to kaitaia. We went up north to see my family we got there just in time to have dinner with my nana
 we had a yummy home-made pizza. it was such a hot night I couldn't even sleep I was lying on the slate and all the windows and doors were open and I was still sweating like a dog! then the next day it got even hotter so we decided to go to the beach! the water was so nice and cool in the rock pools we were swimming in. my cousins had the same AMAZING  idea to come as well we didn't know this until they got there and said. 'Kia ora!" we had an awesome swim. We came back and had another swim in my cousins (different cousins!)  pool. it was so hot and sunny it seemed like we were in a huge oven that was blue green red and white. we swam our hearts out and had a delicious hearty dinner of beefy hamburgers.  I stayed the night at my cousins house we played skate 3 ALL NIGHT  and we also had mountain dew and we were on instagram and YouTube as well. then we had a midnight swim.  We had more beef patties and then swam (yes again!) then we had lunch (McDonald's) and then finally we had steak, sausages and shrimps.

I had a great time I love kaitaia I would go and live there.

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Yaron Overeem said...

Nice one Asher. Great little paragraph and picture
Mr O

Anonymous said...

Nice story Asher the swimming sounded really fun I want to go to kaitaia!

Anonymous said...

Sounds cool

Anonymous said...

nice story Asher, I love the far north