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Marae Recount

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1.Eels.                                                                                                                                             The old man greeted us inside the hall and got us all to sit around the table we all took a peek at the cards. We learnt lots of things including there are 2 main types of eels the long-fin and short-fin. The long-fin is longer and fatter and the short-fin is smaller and skinnier. The man, next passed around a small tube that had nothing in it everyone took a smell. It smelt like vanilla essence but stronger. Then the man told us that they used it to put the eels to sleep so they could put tracking devices in them. The eels first start off as lots of little eggs that float around until they slither out and return to where their parents came from. Then they grow and grow and between 7 and 100 they can choose to be male or female.       

2. Welcoming
When we were getting ready to go on the Marae all the girls had to go to the front and the boys had to got to the back but the school council and some off the kappa Hakka people had to go to the front  of the shutter  then Mihi Noah's dad was talking Maori And greeting us onto the Marae and then this old lady and was greeting us to. we all were walking really slow  I was walking next to Mauta Shane we went up the stairs and took of our shoes and hats we all went in but the council and the four kapa Haka people had to sit on one off the beds then we had to stand up because we had to go kiss them so that is greeting them we went up but they didn't kiss us on the cheek so we just walked past and then we had to sit back down but the council had to sit on the ground Kate, Carter,Ashden,Ocean and myself had to stay on the bed because we had to sing we stay there until they had finished there Mihi and then we went up and sang the two songs with the whole school it was so cool.

3  Questions
All the year 7 and 8s go into the Marae to ask questions we sit down and the man asks us “what is the difference between tatou and katou?” And everyone just sits there silently having no idea ( I can't remember the answer so yeah we will just skip it.) all these pictures on the walls They are all related to you somehow. At this moment I think it is quite creepy. “So I have asked you enough questions you ask me some” hands go up here there and everywhere. “Why do the men always talk louder?” Someone asks. “It is to protect their women for being flirted with and to protect them from any dangers.”
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