To the students of room seven,
We, the Board of Trustees, have been
alerted to the distressing situation that occurred while the school was closed
over the holidays. By now, we know that you are aware that our treasured school
Kereru has been kidnapped and is being held captive by a person, or group of
people whose identity is still unknown to us. We have also been notified that
they have made contact with your class and have told you to follow their
instructions if you wish to see the safe return of our Kereru. We understand
these tasks pose no risk to your personal safety so we urge you to do your best
to follow their instructions, and carry out the tasks to the best of your
However, while you are diligently
completing these activities, we would like to hire you for the job of being our
private investigators. This is because the kidnappers have already made contact
with you and it is quite possible that they may make contact with you again. If
they do, they may leave some type of clues that could lead to finding out their
identity or whereabouts.
As you know, the school Kereru has
been an important part of the school for a very long time. It has become an
icon that we identify with and one that our community has come to love and hold
dear. We are very anxious that if our Kereru is not returned safely back to
where he belongs, that the entire Maungatapere community may in fact start to
lose their identity and the great community spirit that holds us all together
will dissipate.
Being year 7 and 8 students you are
the leaders of the school, and as you know, with that comes greater
responsibility. We cannot think of another group of people that is more suited
to the task at hand. It will be a huge undergoing for you but we have complete
faith in you and your ability to help us locate our beloved Kereru and bring
him home.
Please discuss this amongst yourselves
and let us know of your decision. If you agree to step up to the challenge
please read the job brief and sign the contract provided.
Time is of the essence and we eagerly
await your response.
Kind regards,
The Maungatapere School Board of
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