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Fishing at Whananaki.

We had been camping at whananaki for a couple of days, the weather had been great, we were swimming up to three times a day. 
One afternoon dad and his friends were going out on the boats for an evening of fishing, I got to go with them. We got all the bait and rods ready then we set off, we got the boats in the water with no problems and headed out to sea.
When we finally got to our fishing spot we put some bait on our lines and started fishing, the first person to catch something was Beaky, she caught a kawahi, the next thing to get caught was a grandady harpuka dad caught that and then he caught a moray eel, it was trying to eat the sinker.
Soon Russell caught a blue mou mou and then after waiting for about ten minutes  I caught a five pound snapper, it was the biggest fish of the day. 
After that we just waited for some fish to bite and after waiting for half a hour we decided to move to a different spot. When we got to our new spot we saw a six foot blue shark it was glowing florissant blue,glimmering in the water like a turquoise gem. The large creature was circling our boat and my dad and I touched the dorsal finn. After a successful fishing trip we went back to our camp site and had fresh fish for dinner.

                                                                The end
                                                              By Cody.S
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Yaron Overeem said...

Well done Cody. You got it done!!!!

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