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Asher's Aussie Trip - Day 2 and 3

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Day 2 in Melbourne.  - Sealife & The Markets and a search for some Jandals/Thongs.

On our second day in Melbourne we got up early and went downstairs to have a huge breakfast in our Hotel.  There was a huge selection. There were muesli's and yoghurts and juices and crossaints and muffins, and sausages, bacon, hashbrowns, eggs (3 ways), as well as scrambled. There were fruits and cheeses, and salamis, and dumplings, it was craziness! We didn't know what we wanted. 
Dad said to have a big breakfast as we were going to do a fair bit of walking and doing activities and we may not have much for lunch - or it will be a late one.
It was delicious and we were full!
We waddled off across to the other side of the river to where Sealife was.  This is Melbournes big Aquarium. It SMOKED Kelly Tarltons!
We sat in on a few talks - which was very interesting.  We saw a huge croc called Pinjarrah, he ended up in the aquarium after eating a farmers $10,000.00 cows! 

He was so huge.
The penguins were really cute. One kept looking right at us as if to say "take me home with you"; I couldn't resist and I bought a stuffed one in a hoodie. Ive called him Peter.

Kendyls jandals broke and we had to go looking all over Southbank for a pair of Jandals.  We decided to head to where the markets were in Queen Victoria Street, however when we got there they were closing up as it was almost 2pm.  We didn't find Jandals.

We caught a taxi back over our side of town, looked for jandals, still couldn't find.  By now we were getting a big grumpy and had had enough of walking around.
Finally we found a cool shopping mall.  AND - Hallelujah - Jandals!! (they only cost $3.50 too).  Kendyl got a whole lot of new clothes - and I got new shirts too.

Finally we came back to the Hotel and went for a lovely swim.

After our swim we went for a walk down to the food court which is not too far from our hotel. 
Dad and I had Indian.  Mum and Kendyl had a roast meal.

We came back and crashed out, as we knew we had an early morning the next day.

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