Liam Malone winning gold at the Para Olympic games in Rio.

Dylan Schmidt Trampoline
1. It's hard to imagine what things were like before there was money, but such a time did exist. During these times people exchanged goods using the barter system. The word barter means to trade. People using the barter system traded things instead of buying and selling them. So if you were a rice farmer, you would trade your rice with many people to get all of the things that you wanted or needed. Unfortunately, the people from whom you needed things might not want your rice. Isn't it nice to just go to the store and buy candy instead of having to trade rice for it?
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
An appropriate title: _____________________________________________________________
2. Money is pretty old but nobody knows exactly how old it is. Perhaps the oldest evidence of people using money is in the Code of Ur-Nammu. The Code of Ur-Nammu is a system of laws written around 2050 BC. That's like 4,000 years ago! Many of Ur-Nammu's laws carry fines, such as one stating that if a man is proven innocent of sorcery, his accuser must pay 3 shekels. This ancient document shows me two things: Ur-Nammu didn't tolerate false witch-hunts, and money is very old.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
An appropriate title: _____________________________________________________________
3. One particular problem that the U.S. faced when rebelling against the British was currency. While under British control, colonists mainly used British paper money and foreign coins, but after forming a new nation the Americans needed their own currency, so they created Continental currency. Congress issued over 240 million Continental Dollars during the Revolution. Unfortunately, these dollars soon dropped in value, giving rise to the popular expression, "not worth a Continental." By the end of 1778, Continentals were worth 1/5th of their face value. By 1780, they were worth 1/40th. In the 1790s, the U.S. bought back Continentals for 1% of their printed value. One reason for this decline was economic warfare. During the war the British hired artists to counterfeit Continental Dollars. Large amounts of these counterfeit notes were funneled into the American economy and the value of the Continental Dollar crashed. When people start complaining about today's inflation rates, I tell them about Continentals.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
An appropriate title: _____________________________________________________________
4. Hyperinflation refers to when the value of money drops rapidly. During World War I , Germany paid for the war by borrowing. The German Mark steadily lost value as the war went on and German people could buy less and less. After losing the war, Germany was required to make large payments to the Allies. They paid all of the debts that they could by printing more money. Soon the German Mark was worthless. When the war had started, the U.S. Dollar was worth around four German Marks. By November of 1923, one U.S. Dollar was worth 4,210,500,000,000 German Marks. At this point the money had more value as a fuel than as a currency, and people burned it to stay warm.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
An appropriate title: _____________________________________________________________
5. Counterfeiting is the act of making phony money that looks official. It is a very old crime but recent advances in the printer industry have made it possible for even amateurs to produce decent counterfeits. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can detect counterfeits. The first and most telling inspection is to pay attention to how the money feels. It is difficult to reproduce the texture of real money. If the money feels suspect, look carefully at the microprinting on the bill. Many features along the portrait and border of a genuine bill contain writing that is too small to reproduce in most printers. If you are still suspicious, hold the bill up to the light and look for the strip that says the value of the bill. With a little diligence, you can keep yourself from becoming a victim of this rising trend.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
An appropriate title: _____________________________________________________________
Kiwis going for gold in cycling.

This is our Marae trip group recount where we will be sharing our parts of the Marae trip.
As we we're walking I was dazzled by the carvings on the Marae it was spectacular. When we got in front of the big building we had to take our shoes off and our hats because there was a rule after I took my shoes off I went inside. Wow there were so many cool pictures on the wall probably their great ancestors there were three pictures up top they were the starters of the tribe. When I sat down I was so squished I had to form myself into a egg. I was squished too when we ate lunch what a relief.
As I was finishing up my last piece of lunch, Mrs. Eagles shouted “ Right finish up, you will be able to go to your activities in a minute. The year 1 and 2s are going into the Marea, The year 3s and 4s are going to do the weaving, The years 5 and 6 are going to learn about the eels in the hall, And the year 7s and 8s are going into the hall to write down what you have learnt so far. After a few minutes the teachers told us that the class in the room is going to be about 15 minutes so we had to go into the Marae for a while. When we got in we had to sit on the mattress and watch the guy talk about the house and it's origin.
Near the end of the day we were drawing the carvings on our pieces of paper with our pencils, erasers and sharpeners drawing to the best of our abilities for our artwork next term. What I decided to do is take random bits of the carvings because it was easier in my head to do it that way so I could do more carvings but I still took my time in drawing the carvings I chose so it would look really nice and pretty.
After Mr. O had told us to pack up so we could go home and that was one of the things we were all excited about because the Marae trip was really tiring. On the bus trip back to school everyone was really tired from the day and mostly everyone was really relaxed when until Riley said
“Should I jump at the bridge? I’m gonna do it” and in response Isla and I were telling him not to because he’s not meant to do that and I put my hand on his shoulder trying make him not jump but thankfully he didn't then the rest of the day was peaceful.
Group Writing
We all arrived at school with butterflies swirling at full speed inside our stomachs as we were all excited for the Marae trip, (or just a day off school). We grabbed our bags and headed for the courts to line up and get on one of the five buses. Soon as we were on we began the drive in the loud child filled bus. It was now time to see the huge Marae.
We approached tall Marae as we walked up to it the girls were in the front and the boys followed us. We were then welcomed into the building as we walked in bare footed.The first thing we saw when we walked in was all the photos of the ancestors of the Marae on the back wall, we even saw Shakira's aunty. We then all took our seats some of us sat on chair and others sat on the wooden floor with a thin light green carpet and said a karakia. After that we listened to the Marae owners sing a song, then we heard Xavier’s mihi followed by the school singing tutiri mai. We then walked out of the Marae after the school council and four kids from the kapa haka ground did a hongi. We were then out of the Marae and it was time for morning tea.
We then heard some of the history of the Marae was really interesting we saw all the photos, and then Brena told us all about the top three photos and they are the chiefs of the Marae that watch over us and all the other past ancestors watching us from above. Brena asked us some questions and we had to answer them and then we asked him some questions like why do only men speak at the marae and its to protect the woman behind them. After all the questions Brena said that we were going to play a game and we had to match the beat, we had to count to seven in Maori. There were seven rounds and seven beats and once we had finish Brena said that the boys were terrible and he said to watch the girls do it and then we got faster and faster as we procided in the rhythm game.
After lunch, we learnt about short finned and and long finned eels. We learnt about their life cycle, the difference between the short finned eel and the long finned eel and the man who taught us about eels had a type of oil that they use at the dentist to numb your gum and teeth. Did you know that an eel can choose to be a boy or a girl, so the boys have to keep annoying the girls so they don't change into a boy. The short finned eel has a parallel fin and the long finned eel doesn't. The life cycle of an eel starts as a little egg, the eggs are usually in fresh water, when the egg hatches they become larva, soon they become a glass eel,when they are a glass eel, they swim out to the sea. When they are an elver eel, they return to the freshwater river their egg was, there they grow to an adult and lay their eggs. All eels go back to where their egg was.
It was a great time at the Marae and everyone at the school enjoyed that day even if they only wanted a another day off school. But it was a lot of fun and a great time that no one will ever forget (you know unless they get amnesia or something).
As we were walking to the marae we were getting welcomed by one of the members as we were walking in the marae we had to take our shoes off. When we were in the people had to do prayer. When the last prayer was done Xavier had to do his Mihi when Xavier finished we sang totamai. As we sang the last verse of the the song the council and the kapa haka leaders went to hongi as the hongi’s were done we sang tena koutou When we sang the last word of tena koutou we went outside and had morning tea. After morning tea we went into the food hall and started writing about what we had done.
After we finished writing about what we had done so far at the marae we entered the marae and asked a bunch of questions such as how long has this marae been around for?,why are the people buried inside the marae and not outside?, why are why are women in front of the men when we enter and etc. After we finished asking questions we played a game called taka hia pake. To play taka hia pake the man would make a beat and you have to copy it. Next we had lunch and went behind the buses and played.
Once we had finished playing we went back to the Marae and grabbed a piece of paper and a art pencil. Then we headed into the Marae and tried to draw the old Maori carving that was right in the middle of the Marae. After we had Finished sketching we walked to the place where we had our lunch and we grabbed our bags and our shoes and we walked to the front of the Marae so we could wait for the others. Once everyone had collected everything we walked to the bus and went back to our school.
After we finished writing about what we had done so far at the marae we entered the marae and asked a bunch of questions such as how long has this marae been around for?,why are the people buried inside the marae and not outside?, why are why are women in front of the men when we enter and etc. After we finished asking questions we played a game called taka hia pake. To play taka hia pake the man would make a beat and you have to copy it. Next we had lunch and went behind the buses and played.
Once we had finished playing we went back to the Marae and grabbed a piece of paper and a art pencil. Then we headed into the Marae and tried to draw the old Maori carving that was right in the middle of the Marae. After we had Finished sketching we walked to the place where we had our lunch and we grabbed our bags and our shoes and we walked to the front of the Marae so we could wait for the others. Once everyone had collected everything we walked to the bus and went back to our school.
1.It was Thursday the 7th of April whole of Maungatapere School was going to a Marae to learn about the history from our area. We jumped on five different buses and headed off to the Marae. When we got there we took our shoes and hats off because it’s disrespectful. We were welcomed inside and the years 0-6 sat squished on the ground while the years 7-8 all sat on chairs the people who ran the Marae said there Mihis and said prayer and gave a couple of speeches then the school sang a couple of songs. Then they told everyone the boundaries. They slowly released us class by class out for our morning tea.
2. After morning tea we headed back into the Marae to ask some questions and play a game. We all took a seat while Mihinoas Dad started to explain the Marae rules and its history about the past events and meanings to the Marae. When he had finished talking about the Marae it was question time, questions were asked mostly about what the Marae was used for and the what the pictures of past people on the wall, all questions were answered before we headed into playing a game it was a hand clapping and coordination game the start of the game was really easy but as we kept going it got harder and harder!.
3. During lunch at the Marae and we learnt about the eels, we learnt all about them like where they were born and how they can choose if their a girl or a boy. We got to smell the eels oil and they use it for numbing your teeth when you go to the dentist. The mum and dad go back to where they were born to lay their eggs. We saw lots of pictures of eels and of what they do but we didn't get to see the eels.
4. After we had finished our lunch it was time to head back over to the other side of the.arae for some sketching. We all sat out on the grass in front of the Marae while the teachers explained to us what was going to be happening for the next hour or so. After a while of sitting we finally got to start everyone grabbed a pencil and paper before splitting off to find what we wanted to sketch. My friends and I sat out in front of the Marae and sketched the Maori patterns that stretched out across the top of the building. Outside It was extremely hot laying in the sun and I could barely see the patterns it was so bright. I found it pretty hard trying to sketch the drawings as they had quite a bit of detail in them. But the Marae visit was actually pretty good day, even though we didn't get to go see the eels or do the flax weaving but overall I still thought it was pretty fun.
1.Eels. The old man greeted us inside the hall and got us all to sit around the table we all took a peek at the cards. We learnt lots of things including there are 2 main types of eels the long-fin and short-fin. The long-fin is longer and fatter and the short-fin is smaller and skinnier. The man, next passed around a small tube that had nothing in it everyone took a smell. It smelt like vanilla essence but stronger. Then the man told us that they used it to put the eels to sleep so they could put tracking devices in them. The eels first start off as lots of little eggs that float around until they slither out and return to where their parents came from. Then they grow and grow and between 7 and 100 they can choose to be male or female.
2. Welcoming
When we were getting ready to go on the Marae all the girls had to go to the front and the boys had to got to the back but the school council and some off the kappa Hakka people had to go to the front of the shutter then Mihi Noah's dad was talking Maori And greeting us onto the Marae and then this old lady and was greeting us to. we all were walking really slow I was walking next to Mauta Shane we went up the stairs and took of our shoes and hats we all went in but the council and the four kapa Haka people had to sit on one off the beds then we had to stand up because we had to go kiss them so that is greeting them we went up but they didn't kiss us on the cheek so we just walked past and then we had to sit back down but the council had to sit on the ground Kate, Carter,Ashden,Ocean and myself had to stay on the bed because we had to sing we stay there until they had finished there Mihi and then we went up and sang the two songs with the whole school it was so cool.
3 Questions
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You know that you're doing something big when your company name becomes a verb. Ask Xerox. In 1959 they created the first plain paper copy machine. It was one of the most successful products ever. The company name Xerox grew into a verb that means "to copy," as in "Bob, can you Xerox this for me?" Around 50 years later, the same thing happened to Google. Their company name grew into a verb that means "to do an internet search." Now everyone and their grandma knows what it means to Google it.
Unlike Xerox, Google wasn't the first company to invent their product, not by a long shot. Lycos released their search engine in 1993. Yahoo! came out in 1994. AltaVista began serving results in 1995. Google did not come out until years later, in 1998. Though a few years difference may not seem like much, this is a major head start in the fast moving world of tech. So how did Google do it? How did they overtake their competitors who had such huge leads in time and money? Maybe one good idea made all the difference.
There are millions and millions of sites on the internet. How does a search engine know which ones are relevant to your search? This is a question that great minds have been working on for decades. To understand how Google changed the game, you need to know how search engines worked in 1998. Back then most websites looked at the words in your query. They counted how many times those words appeared on each page. Then they might return pages where the words in your query appeared the most. This system did not work well and people often had to click through pages and pages of results to find what they wanted.
Google was the first search engine that began considering links. Links are those blue underlined words that take you to other pages when you click on them. Larry Page, cofounder of Google, believed that meaningful data could be drawn from how those links connect. Page figured that websites with many links pointing at them were more important than those that had few. He was right. Google's search results were much better than their rivals. They would soon become the world's most used search engine.
It wasn't just the great search results that led to Google becoming so well liked. It also had to do with the way that they presented their product. Most of the other search engines were cluttered. Their home pages were filled with everything from news stories to stock quotes. But Google's homepage was, and still is, clean. There's nothing on it but the logo, the search box, and a few links. It almost appears empty. In fact, when they were first testing it, users would wait at the home page and not do anything. When asked why, they said that they were, "waiting for the rest of the page to load." People couldn't imagine such a clean and open page as being complete. But the fresh design grew on people once they got used to it.
These days Google has its hands in everything from self-driving cars to helping humans live longer. Though they have many other popular products, they will always be best known for their search engine. The Google search engine has changed our lives and our language. Not only is it a fantastic product, it is a standing example that one good idea (and a lot of hard work) can change the world.
1. Which event happened last?
a. Lycos released their search engine. b. Yahoo! released their search engine.
c. Google released their search engine. d. Xerox released their copy machine.
2. Which statement would the author of this text most likely disagree with?
a. Part of Google's success is due to the design of their homepage.
b. Google succeeded by following examples of others in their field.
c. Google wasn't the first search engine, but it was the best.
d. Google's success may not have been possible without Larry Page.
3. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. There are lots and lots of websites connected to the internet.
b. Google created a better way to organize search results.
c. Many smart people have worked on search engines over the years.
d. Older search engines used unreliable methods to order results.
4. What is the author's main purpose in writing this article?
a. To explain how Google overtook its rivals
b. To compare and contrast Google and Xerox
c. To persuade readers to use Google for internet searches
d. To discuss how companies can influence language over time
5. Which statement would the author most likely agree with?
a. Google became successful because its founders were well-connected.
b. Google was the world's first and best search engine.
c. Google changed the world by solving an old problem in a new way.
d. Google's other products are now more important to its success than search.
6. Which best expresses the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
a. Links allow people to surf from one website to the next.
b. Larry Page's ideas about links helped Google get to the top.
c. Larry Page contributed to the internet by inventing the link.
d. Google is a website that serves important links to users.
7. Which best explains why the author discusses Xerox in this text?
a. He is discussing big companies that came before Google.
b. He is explaining how companies must change with the times.
c. He is showing how companies can affect our language.
d. He is comparing and contrasting Google and Xerox.
8. How did Google improve search quality in 1998?
a. They counted how many times queries appeared on each page.
b. They looked more closely at the words in search queries.
c. They linked to more pages.
d. They studied the relationships of links.
9. Which was cited as a reason why Google became so popular?
a. Google's homepage was clean.
b. Google provided catchy news stories on their homepage.
c. Google homepage loaded quickly.
d. Google provided useful stock quotes on their homepage.
10. Which title best expresses the author's main purpose in writing this text?
a. Xerox Vs. Google: Battle of the Titans
b. Search Engines: How They Work and Why They're Important
c. A Better Way: How Google Rose to the Top
d. Search Engines: A Short History of Important Tools
You know that you're doing something big when your company name becomes a verb. Ask Xerox. In 1959 they created the first plain paper copy machine. It was one of the most successful products ever. The company name Xerox grew into a verb that means "to copy," as in "Bob, can you Xerox this for me?" Around 50 years later, the same thing happened to Google. Their company name grew into a verb that means "to do an internet search." Now everyone and their grandma knows what it means to Google it.
Unlike Xerox, Google wasn't the first company to invent their product, not by a long shot. Lycos released their search engine in 1993. Yahoo! came out in 1994. AltaVista began serving results in 1995. Google did not come out until years later, in 1998. Though a few years difference may not seem like much, this is a major head start in the fast moving world of tech. So how did Google do it? How did they overtake their competitors who had such huge leads in time and money? Maybe one good idea made all the difference.
There are millions and millions of sites on the internet. How does a search engine know which ones are relevant to your search? This is a question that great minds have been working on for decades. To understand how Google changed the game, you need to know how search engines worked in 1998. Back then most websites looked at the words in your query. They counted how many times those words appeared on each page. Then they might return pages where the words in your query appeared the most. This system did not work well and people often had to click through pages and pages of results to find what they wanted.
Google was the first search engine that began considering links. Links are those blue underlined words that take you to other pages when you click on them. Larry Page, cofounder of Google, believed that meaningful data could be drawn from how those links connect. Page figured that websites with many links pointing at them were more important than those that had few. He was right. Google's search results were much better than their rivals. They would soon become the world's most used search engine.
It wasn't just the great search results that led to Google becoming so well liked. It also had to do with the way that they presented their product. Most of the other search engines were cluttered. Their home pages were filled with everything from news stories to stock quotes. But Google's homepage was, and still is, clean. There's nothing on it but the logo, the search box, and a few links. It almost appears empty. In fact, when they were first testing it, users would wait at the home page and not do anything. When asked why, they said that they were, "waiting for the rest of the page to load." People couldn't imagine such a clean and open page as being complete. But the fresh design grew on people once they got used to it.
These days Google has its hands in everything from self-driving cars to helping humans live longer. Though they have many other popular products, they will always be best known for their search engine. The Google search engine has changed our lives and our language. Not only is it a fantastic product, it is a standing example that one good idea (and a lot of hard work) can change the world.
1. Which event happened last?
a. Lycos released their search engine. b. Yahoo! released their search engine.
c. Google released their search engine. d. Xerox released their copy machine.
2. Which statement would the author of this text most likely disagree with?
a. Part of Google's success is due to the design of their homepage.
b. Google succeeded by following examples of others in their field.
c. Google wasn't the first search engine, but it was the best.
d. Google's success may not have been possible without Larry Page.
3. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. There are lots and lots of websites connected to the internet.
b. Google created a better way to organize search results.
c. Many smart people have worked on search engines over the years.
d. Older search engines used unreliable methods to order results.
4. What is the author's main purpose in writing this article?
a. To explain how Google overtook its rivals
b. To compare and contrast Google and Xerox
c. To persuade readers to use Google for internet searches
d. To discuss how companies can influence language over time
5. Which statement would the author most likely agree with?
a. Google became successful because its founders were well-connected.
b. Google was the world's first and best search engine.
c. Google changed the world by solving an old problem in a new way.
d. Google's other products are now more important to its success than search.
6. Which best expresses the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
a. Links allow people to surf from one website to the next.
b. Larry Page's ideas about links helped Google get to the top.
c. Larry Page contributed to the internet by inventing the link.
d. Google is a website that serves important links to users.
7. Which best explains why the author discusses Xerox in this text?
a. He is discussing big companies that came before Google.
b. He is explaining how companies must change with the times.
c. He is showing how companies can affect our language.
d. He is comparing and contrasting Google and Xerox.
8. How did Google improve search quality in 1998?
a. They counted how many times queries appeared on each page.
b. They looked more closely at the words in search queries.
c. They linked to more pages.
d. They studied the relationships of links.
9. Which was cited as a reason why Google became so popular?
a. Google's homepage was clean.
b. Google provided catchy news stories on their homepage.
c. Google homepage loaded quickly.
d. Google provided useful stock quotes on their homepage.
10. Which title best expresses the author's main purpose in writing this text?
a. Xerox Vs. Google: Battle of the Titans
b. Search Engines: How They Work and Why They're Important
c. A Better Way: How Google Rose to the Top
d. Search Engines: A Short History of Important Tools
Happy Easter Eggs!
Sorry that I have not been on the blog much so I'm going to update you on the last few days. I have left the comfort of my 5 star hotel in Melbourne and left on a five hour journey to a little town called Naracoorte. (It is a aboriginal name.) To see my sisters god parents. The next day we went into some awesome caves. I learnt about extinct animals from here in Australia there is one that looks like a kangaroo that has a koalas face it is very scary! Yesterday I went to Mount Gambier. we did lots of shopping and that is pretty much all we did there not including eating stuff. On the way back from there I got a little green lolly known as a WARHEAD! The way people react to these sour lolly's I was expecting my mouth to be bleeding because of the sour. But just like steeping on legos people on the internet just way overreact to them I mean the WARHEAD challenge would not be nice but when you just have one it is manageable. The most sour moment of it is the second it touches your mouth. and the sour depletes as time goes on. Then it tastes like yummy green apple. So those have been my days BYE BYE. The picture below is of warheads (I had green ones.)
Sorry that I have not been on the blog much so I'm going to update you on the last few days. I have left the comfort of my 5 star hotel in Melbourne and left on a five hour journey to a little town called Naracoorte. (It is a aboriginal name.) To see my sisters god parents. The next day we went into some awesome caves. I learnt about extinct animals from here in Australia there is one that looks like a kangaroo that has a koalas face it is very scary! Yesterday I went to Mount Gambier. we did lots of shopping and that is pretty much all we did there not including eating stuff. On the way back from there I got a little green lolly known as a WARHEAD! The way people react to these sour lolly's I was expecting my mouth to be bleeding because of the sour. But just like steeping on legos people on the internet just way overreact to them I mean the WARHEAD challenge would not be nice but when you just have one it is manageable. The most sour moment of it is the second it touches your mouth. and the sour depletes as time goes on. Then it tastes like yummy green apple. So those have been my days BYE BYE. The picture below is of warheads (I had green ones.)
Day 3 In Melbourne - Puffing Billy Train Ride/Visit to Chocolatier/Wildlife Sanctuary.
We got up very early this morning, as we had to catch the Grayline bus at our Hotel door at 7.30 to head out to a place called Dandenong Ranges National Park.
We got out there and fed some cockatoos. They were wild, but used to people and they came and flew down onto us. Their claws were super sharp when they were standing on my bare skin!
We then had a morning tea, thanks to our driver who cooked us tea on the billy and served us lamingotns and crackers with Vegemite.
Pretty soon we got to Carry on to the place where we were going to have our Steam train ride. The Steam Train was called Puffing Billy and it was great fun riding in his carriage. We were allowed to put our feet out the train and hold on to the barriers.
After that we went on our bus to a Roast Spit lunch held at the Fergusson vineyard. Awesome
Then to a chocolatier. Great tastings there! (but Mum said NO WE DONT NEED CHOCOLATE!)
After that we went to a Wildlife Sanctuary where we got to see, tons of birds..Koalas, Snakes, Kangaroos, Dingoes, and a Platypus too. It was really cool
We didn't get back to our Hotel until 7.30pm. What a long day we'd had.
We had a swim, before we headed out for dinner.
Had dinner
Bact to our Hotel.
Crashed out
Day 2 in Melbourne. - Sealife & The Markets and a search for some Jandals/Thongs.
On our second day in Melbourne we got up early and went downstairs to have a huge breakfast in our Hotel. There was a huge selection. There were muesli's and yoghurts and juices and crossaints and muffins, and sausages, bacon, hashbrowns, eggs (3 ways), as well as scrambled. There were fruits and cheeses, and salamis, and dumplings, it was craziness! We didn't know what we wanted.
Dad said to have a big breakfast as we were going to do a fair bit of walking and doing activities and we may not have much for lunch - or it will be a late one.
It was delicious and we were full!
We waddled off across to the other side of the river to where Sealife was. This is Melbournes big Aquarium. It SMOKED Kelly Tarltons!
We sat in on a few talks - which was very interesting. We saw a huge croc called Pinjarrah, he ended up in the aquarium after eating a farmers $10,000.00 cows!
He was so huge.
The penguins were really cute. One kept looking right at us as if to say "take me home with you"; I couldn't resist and I bought a stuffed one in a hoodie. Ive called him Peter.
Kendyls jandals broke and we had to go looking all over Southbank for a pair of Jandals. We decided to head to where the markets were in Queen Victoria Street, however when we got there they were closing up as it was almost 2pm. We didn't find Jandals.
We caught a taxi back over our side of town, looked for jandals, still couldn't find. By now we were getting a big grumpy and had had enough of walking around.
Finally we found a cool shopping mall. AND - Hallelujah - Jandals!! (they only cost $3.50 too). Kendyl got a whole lot of new clothes - and I got new shirts too.
Finally we came back to the Hotel and went for a lovely swim.
After our swim we went for a walk down to the food court which is not too far from our hotel.
Dad and I had Indian. Mum and Kendyl had a roast meal.
We came back and crashed out, as we knew we had an early morning the next day.
I am near the middle of Melbourne and staying here for four days including today (This was written on the 21st). I am having fun hope you are too here are some random pictures of the day to end this off.
The best part of camp: was the log flume because it makes your stomach fly and it's very exiting.
The hardest part of camp: was the 3D maze because I kept getting lost.
The best part about getting home was to see my Family and my IPad of course.
The hardest part of camp: was the 3D maze because I kept getting lost.
The best part about getting home was to see my Family and my IPad of course.
The best part of camp was spending the week away from home.
The hardest part of camp was keeping our bunk rooms clean.
The best part of getting home was being able to sleep in.
The hardest part of camp was keeping our bunk rooms clean.
The best part of getting home was being able to sleep in.
The best part about camp was EVERYTHING!
The hardest part about camp was bunk room inspections.
The best part about getting home was seeing my family and getting a good night sleep in my bed!
The hardest part about camp was bunk room inspections.
The best part about getting home was seeing my family and getting a good night sleep in my bed!
The best part about camp was being on the luge with Amy.
The hardest part about camp was having to clean the room every morning.
The best part about getting home was seeing my family ... and getting to use my laptop and phone again
The hardest part about camp was having to clean the room every morning.
The best part about getting home was seeing my family ... and getting to use my laptop and phone again
My best part of camp was when we went to the loge.
My hardest part of camp was trying to control the carts at the loge.
My best part of getting home was see my mum and dad.
One of my favorite activities from camp was going down the luge. And the jellybean factory there.
The Hardest part about camp was getting there because we were on a bus for about 4-6 hours.
as soon as I got home I slept and ate pizza.
The Hardest part about camp was getting there because we were on a bus for about 4-6 hours.
as soon as I got home I slept and ate pizza.
the best thing on camp having a nice relaxing swim in the Polynesian spa
the hardest thing on camp was trying to find the green corner in the 3d maze
the first thing I did when I got home was cuddle my dog and family
the hardest thing on camp was trying to find the green corner in the 3d maze
the first thing I did when I got home was cuddle my dog and family
What I enjoyed about camp was going down the luge.
What I didn't enjoy about camp was the 3D maze.
What the first thing I did when I got home from camp was give my parents a hug.
What I didn't enjoy about camp was the 3D maze.
What the first thing I did when I got home from camp was give my parents a hug.
The best part of camp was when we were on the logflume and got wet
The hardest part was the 3D maze and getting lost
The best part coming back was to my family
The hardest part was the 3D maze and getting lost
The best part coming back was to my family
Some call it the "Hermit Kingdom." It is a place where the outside world has been walled off. American pop music is illegal here and you can get executed for watching soap operas. This is not a make-believe world in a science fiction novel. It's a 46,000 square mile nation hanging off the east coast of China. It is one of the poorest nations in the world and it is armed with nuclear weapons. It is North Korea.
Immediately to the south lies a nation with one of the world's richest economies. About one-third of all phones and TVs are made here. The people of this nation are among the world's most educated. Unemployment is low, job security is high, and workers in this nation enjoy the highest salaries in Asia. It is South Korea. The people of this nation share origins with their northern neighbor, but they have since grown far apart.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (known to Westerners as North Korea) was founded in 1945 after World War II. Their neighbor at the end of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea or the Republic of Korea, was established at the same time. These two nations have an unusual history. For one thing, they have technically been at war since 1950.
Though they were born at the same time, these two countries had different parents. The United States supported South Korea in its infancy. China and the Soviet Union supported North Korea. The U.S. and the Soviet Union may have ended World War II as allies, but they had different ways of organizing their societies.
The U.S. is a capitalist country. That means that some people are rich and some people are poor. Resources are distributed unevenly. Business are owned by private entities. The Soviet Union claimed to have a communist system. That means that everybody supposedly gets the same. Resources are distributed more evenly. Business are owned in "common" by the government. These two superpower nations raised North and South Korea in their own images.
North Korea and South Korea share a border. Since they are locked in state of perpetual war, it's not a regular boarder with a simple checkpoint. The border they share is known as a "demilitarized zone." A demilitarized zone is supposed to be free from military installations. Yet, the Korean Demilitarized Zone is the most heavily militarized border in the world. Both nations have their biggest guns lined-up on the divide and pointed at the other side. It is literally the opposite of what the phrase "demilitarized zone" implies.

Immediately to the south lies a nation with one of the world's richest economies. About one-third of all phones and TVs are made here. The people of this nation are among the world's most educated. Unemployment is low, job security is high, and workers in this nation enjoy the highest salaries in Asia. It is South Korea. The people of this nation share origins with their northern neighbor, but they have since grown far apart.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (known to Westerners as North Korea) was founded in 1945 after World War II. Their neighbor at the end of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea or the Republic of Korea, was established at the same time. These two nations have an unusual history. For one thing, they have technically been at war since 1950.
Though they were born at the same time, these two countries had different parents. The United States supported South Korea in its infancy. China and the Soviet Union supported North Korea. The U.S. and the Soviet Union may have ended World War II as allies, but they had different ways of organizing their societies.
The U.S. is a capitalist country. That means that some people are rich and some people are poor. Resources are distributed unevenly. Business are owned by private entities. The Soviet Union claimed to have a communist system. That means that everybody supposedly gets the same. Resources are distributed more evenly. Business are owned in "common" by the government. These two superpower nations raised North and South Korea in their own images.
North Korea and South Korea share a border. Since they are locked in state of perpetual war, it's not a regular boarder with a simple checkpoint. The border they share is known as a "demilitarized zone." A demilitarized zone is supposed to be free from military installations. Yet, the Korean Demilitarized Zone is the most heavily militarized border in the world. Both nations have their biggest guns lined-up on the divide and pointed at the other side. It is literally the opposite of what the phrase "demilitarized zone" implies.

The two Koreas went to war in 1950. The North attacked and took over much of South Korea. But the United States jumped in and pushed the North Koreans back to the Chinese border. Then China got involved and pushed the Americans and South Koreans back. The nations agreed to a ceasefire. Millions of people were dead and the living returned to their original boundaries. The war never officially ended, though combat has ceased for the most part.
After the war, South Korea was one of the poorest nations in the world. In 1960 the average citizen made $79 a year. The country did not have a lot of natural resources to sell, but they did have many hardworking people. During the 1960s, the country began manufacturing labor-intensive products. Selling these products to people in other nations made South Korea rich. They now have one of the largest and most thriving economies in the world. As of 2012, the average South Korean citizen makes around $32,020 a year.
The economy of North Korea is dramatically different. Since it's birth in the 1940s, North Korea has been one of the most secluded countries in the world. They promote an idea of self-reliance that they call Juche. Under this idea, they do little to no trading with other nations. Up until the 1980s, they received large cash infusions from China and the Soviet Union. But the Soviet Union fell apart in the 80s and became separate capitalist countries, of which Russia is largest. Without the Soviet contributions, North Korea entered a long period offamine that lasted through the 90s. Food was hard to come by and some estimate that millions of people starved to death. Still, the country persisted when much of the world thought that it would fall apart. Not only did they survive, they managed to build a nuclear arsenal during this time.
Some day Korea may be unified again. It seems unlikely now, but stranger things have happened. Yet, even if they did unify, how could these very different societies acclimate to one another? They have grown in different directions. One country is among the wealthiest, the other amongst the poorest. The average North Korean male is estimated to be five-inches shorter than a South Korean (some suspect because of malnutrition). With such big differences, will they ever be able to see eye to eye
1. Which term best describes South Korea based on information from the text?
a. capitalist b. communist
c. socialist d. totalitarian
2. Based on the author's tone and viewpoint, which person would most likely disagree with the conclusions drawn in this text?
a. An American businessman b. A South Korean businessman
c. A North Korean politician d. A South Korean politician
3. Which statement would the author most likely agree with?
a. The Korean War was a major win for the United States of America.
b. North Korea is poor because they don't trade with many other nations.
c. South Korean people are naturally more gifted than their northern brethren.
d. The South Korean economy grew at an average pace after 1960.
4. Which statement best expresses the main idea of the seventh paragraph?
a. South Korea was a very poor nation in 1960.
b. South Korea makes a lot of money by trading natural resources.
c. South Korea had a remarkable economic turnaround.
d. South Korea produces many electronic products.
5. Which statement best describes the results of the Korean War?
a. The South Koreans gained a lot of ground after winning the war.
b. The North Koreans benefitted tremendously from the war.
c. The Korean War led to the formation of South Korea.
d. Both sides lost many people and got little to show for it.
6. Which best defines the word famine as it is used in the eighth paragraph?
a. A period of time when food is scarce
b. A period of time when it is hard to get laborers
c. A period of time when the government is going through a transition
d. A period of time when a country does not have a leader
7. What is ironic about the Korean Demilitarized Zone?
a. It is not the average border with a simple checkpoint.
b. It is free from military installations and weaponry.
c. It is the most militarized border in the world.
d. The North and South Koreans are technically still at war.
8. Which best describes how the text is structured in the fifth paragraph?
a. Chronological order b. Compare and contrast
c. Sequence d. Problem and solution
9. Which best explains why so many North Koreans starved during the 1990s?
a. The North Koreans had just recently lost the Korean War.
b. The North Koreans were abandoned by their allies in the U.S.
c. North Korea became a capitalist country.
d. The Soviet Union stopped supporting North Korea.
10. Which statement would the author most likely disagree with?
a. It is impressive that the North Koreans built nuclear weaponry during a famine.
b. The North Korean economy has made an amazing transformation since the 1960s.
c. North and South Koreans have grown to be different, but they come from the same place.
d. Unification of the two Koreas is unlikely at this time.
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