Dear Santa
Thank you so much for all my Christmas presents. I hope you and Mrs Claus had a very nice year last year and I hope you a great year this year. How are your elves? I hope you didn't give them too much hard work this year. I really enjoyed all of the nail polish you gave me, even if they all came from Aliexpress. I’m so sorry I didn't write to you sooner, I was just so busy hanging out with all the cuzzies atb the baches. On Christmas day I didn't really do much except for open prezzies and ate Christmas breakfast. For breakfast mum made bacon,hash browns, eggs, croissants, roasted tomatoes and mushrooms. I only ate the hash browns, the eggs and the croissants. Because I don't really like bacon and the mushrooms and tomatoes were a little bit over done and by a little bit I mean a lot over done. After that I painted my nails with all the nail polish you gave me. We didn't have lunch because we were all to full from our delicious breakfast. Around lunch time we went to the beach I’m not sure what beach it was but it was really fun, even Alfie (my dog) had fun. But all and all I had a pretty great Christmas.
Yours Sincerely
Tayla Shepherd
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