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Christmas afternoon

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A delicious smell waffled through the air, the excitement of family and friends made it hard to hear yourself speaking. Fairy lights shimmered around the fresh smelling pine trees with spinning decorations. My heart was full of excitement even when we first knew that we were going to my Nana's in the late afternoon to see my family, and friends. 

After having roast beef for dinner, with mouth watering potatoes and kumara, then followed by an outstanding dessert. We had a choice of playing pol or bat down. Most of us chose bat down so we headed out for the front lawn. 

Each of us kids had a few goes each. then we decided to give the parents a go most of the balls went over the fence. Went send as kids running in the paddock. 
Then suddenly I heard a cry/scream and I looked back to see one of my little cousins stood in cow poo and then tripped up and face planted in the next lot of cow poo. After that he wouldn't play.

The next interesting thing that happened was my uncle hit the ball and it went flying into the trough, and I was the one who had to get it, and that wasn't so great. 
Then we all rushed upstairs for present  I had some big presents and some small ones, which I through  it would be jewellery. Over all I had a very satisfying day, and I hope next year will be good us well.
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