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Christmas eve

"Boom, crash, RAAARR!" My dream ended as a mutant abomination lunged at me and I sat bolt upright , taking in my surroundings. I realised I  wasn't  in the nightmare film set. I was in my room, and there was a present on my bed. It was Christmas day!!

two hours later the whole Dawson clan had gathered (Nana, Poppa, Grandma, Grandad, Mum, Dad, Will, Nick, Marshall, Suzy the bull mastiff and I) and we were able to get underway the parents prezzies were up next and after some pretty peculiar things ( I mean a solar light for grandad!?)  Us kiddies were up next!

The presents were amazing. I got, in no specific order,  a Percy Jackson book, a Lego imperial star destroyer, coke, Rayman legends ( a video game), a flashlight and marshmallow roasters. And that was only half of them!!!

After playing capture the flag with Nerf guns, outdoor cricket, and having a swingball championship we went to Grandmas and Grandads to simmer down and have dinner. When we came home we went to bed (Christmas day was pretty tiring, but isn't it always??)
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inquire-it said...

Great description and interesting but hay! When are your story not interesting.


Anonymous said...

Cool Alex looks like you had a blast of a time and I can agree you story's are always fun to read.

Anonymous said...

Cool Alex looks like you had a blast and I can agree your story's are always the best to read.