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My Christmas πŸŽ„

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"Wake up Emelia" Mum whispered in my ear. "Its time to look in your stockings." Dad said. I got. Out of bed and nearly crushed my stocking. I opened it, and lollies filled half of it! I pulled out something with bubble wrap over it. As I unwrapped it everyone was looking at me tensely, it was a rounded type of flute. When Grace and I had finished with our stockings we started opening our family gifts. My favourite two were my black tennis rack and my Lego friends. Then I got dressed and went outside for brunch. 

As soon as you stepped outside you could got a woof of bacon from Uncle Daryl's barbecue.  I wondered down and I had a chose of bacon and eggs or French toast with bacon. After amwhile I chose bacon and eggs, they were the most scumschous bacon and eggs I had ever had. When Mum, Dad and Grace were wondering down for brunch my cousins and I were playing cricket. 

When everyone had finished breakfast and we had stopped playing cricket we went inside for more presents. I got more Lego friends,YAY and a nice fluffy towel. We all loved our presents but there were still more to come... 

"Secret Santa time" yelled Auntie Anderna. We all gathered around a tiny light Christmas tree. There were about 16 presents under the tree. 
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Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good Christmas